Thursday, March 19, 2015

Nonexistent Reality "Center"

Nonexistent Reality
song: "Center"
by Scott McLean

                                                                                                   not centered for a joke....

i just created this song tonight (note: it was February 19, 2015),
before doing this i did shave,
but i should have changed into
a clean shirt. this song title is
"Center", not Scott's clean shirt.

                                                                                                            here i am

no, i'm over here                                                                                 Ore.


                                               right here, precisely

                                                        And I make up the lyrics while I'm singing for example this time, and also should add that I'm not in college now but I do have a college degree. It's hard to make up words/lyrics while singing so try it let's see what you can come up with!

"ing" grunge continuous i'mline and I influenced myself from my other songs and singing. I just sing a lot etc.

                                                                          i have to keep my mouth closed or new songs come out....

four.... is for

Note: I decided to wait and put this song on here today, Thursday, March 19, 2015. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Giant Bird Protects

Nonexistent Reality
Scott McLean
file: somethings, yeahstern, anywhere
"Giant Bird Protects"

This is my artwork, I did this afternoon. At first, I don't know what it is, but then when I go back from the computer, I see it's a giant bird that protects everybody. It's on top of a mountain.

This bird protects everybody, protects Dolly and Wander, Foreveress, and they are gone, mean people hurt Wander and Foreveress tree, but they are all alive and I just can't see there, but it is HERE too, then also this bird protects Warthogs, also deer around here and rabbit here, outside. This is my idea and Nonexistent Reality is real just doesn't exist to us in our own physical place, space, and time.

I wanted to put some music clip of about 7 seconds with this but I don't know how to record it. And you know it's from my major and great unreleased song I've been working on for three years.

This would really look more like bird if I could make it even smaller, but I don't know how. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

"Wonderful Warthogs" by Scott McLean

Monday, December 22, 2014
"Wonderful Warthogs"
               by Scott McLean

Holidays come on strong                                            
Waiting for them way too long

I mostly like TOO way too MUCH
but waiting isn't good too MUCH

Peace of Mind, I need a piece
sort through matter, hold out clatter

Where's the center from the periphery
avant garde acapella symphony
                  (it's called)
pigs flying, imagination -- not lying

I love warthogs
They are cute and beautiful too

2015 will be the New new
You gonna be there?
I sure hope so
I can't fly
use your imagination

I can snow
I can ice
I can sleet?
Hope someday we meet
I hope we're all around
to keep on bringing sound
and love what we love... 

Monday, November 24, 2014

"Watering Like Spring" because I miss you...

Scott McLean "Watering Like Spring"
I also named this song "For Dolly" or if you like to think of it as "For Dollie",
I like that way too. This is my song from my personal feelings and it's about missing our dog.

Monday, March 24, 2014

When I clicked this I guess I had that Scheduled for: Set date and time
and I meant to have it on: Automatic

I corrected this to today's date, but it originally was to be posted/published here on March 6, 2014.

Nonexistent Reality "Qu-Inging Is In Our Blood"

Nonexistent Reality "Qu-Inging Is In Our Blood" 
song by Scott McLean
Note: This recording was done on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 and I was planning to put it here on Thursday, March 6, 2014. Don't forget: Anything! Maybe somebody remembers I said "Anything" before somewhere.

This video was going to be, Schedule (under Post Settings):   3/6/14 1:52 PM
Mountain Daylight Time

"Government Girl" by Scott McLean

named song title and put date and my name at 2:54 p.m. kitchen clock time

Scott McLean: "I started singing this one first but maybe it's the chorus"

written on Sunday, March 23, 2014, 2:30 p.m. to 2:53 p.m. kitchen clock time

"Government Girl"
by Scott McLean

This Government Girl's
from outer place
This government Girl
got inside of my head
in my head, I have a bed
I have HAD a Government Girl
on my bed

Note written today, Monday, March 24, 2014: This is supposed to be funny and against the government spying on us. Spying is wrong, illegal, and a violation of the Constitution. What I mean in the lyrics is some young woman working for the government who is spying on Americans or other people. However, this isn't real and I don't want one on my bed, especially (if I did have) a bed in my head. But it's funny. This was posted at kitchen clock time of 4:25 PM on Monday, March 24, 2014.

Me, Me, Me, no let Me, Me, Me, Me... ok then I will interject


no, no, note
sorry, i meant yes
yes, i meant a yes note &

i think i know who knows about me and reads what i write and listens to my songs.

ok i'm not sure, but i do know stuff. 

i'm my own biggest influence...
maybe yours too.



Monday, March 17, 2014

Nonexistent Reality "(we are somewhere) here is where"

Nonexistent Reality "(we are somewhere) here is where"
by Scott McLean

Note: created/recorded on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 in the afternoon

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Scott McLean: "Untitled Song Of All" - sci-fi song

"Untitled Song Of All"
  by Scott McLean

Lines made matter
of fact, matter flattened
cut like cookies
with the top of a drinking glass
baked to a perfect fake tan
you're open to variety, you say
of galaxies that spun sideways
you're a long gone pan
used to pull gold dust
from a billion light years ago

You go up and I go down
tell someone for the record
we made some yummy taffy
and it wasn't all that bad
we're still in the okay mode
of life's the best when we go slow
not that we're in danger
of speeding past the future
I heard we came from back then
lips are tight: that our ancestors didn't walk upright
I'm not embarrassed
not that I believe
we evolved the way we're told
maybe this is only fiction
from the future found on a back shelf
in a book billions of years ancient, old-old
Old, a book that gave root to a  tree
birth in turn, turning out all we be.

Note: Written by Scott McLean tonight, about an hour ago. Lots of ideas and various themes all mixed together here.

Saturday, January 11, 2014





Friday, January 3, 2014

Nonexistent Reality "Mind On Pluto, Body In Bars"


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Nonexistent Reality "Mind On Pluto, Body In Bars" by Scott McLean

I did not remove this song. When I changed my account back to the way it was before (because I liked it better before) it changed what I am able to do on YouTube so it says "This video is private." It seems to me that happened in June, but it was on YouTube for a little more than four months. I apologize to anyone who wanted to listen to my song. I am the songwriter, singer, guitar player, creator of "Mind On Pluto, Body In Bars" and my band/artist name is Nonexistent Reality. I have the song and video with me describing it and the strange surprise ending. I'm not changing the song and video. Sure, I could decide to do one more version of it in the future. This one is good and I'm happy about it. I love this song and I'm proud  that I could create this song and video.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Scott McLean "It's all your fault" original

Scott McLean: vocals, guitar, songwriter

I released this song 2 years ago on Friday, September 2, 2011 on my blog Fast Food Yummy because I didn't have a music website or music blog of my own at that time. I'm very happy with this song, and it's a webcam recording/video.

I tried to post it here now but it wouldn't load on here for some reason. You can listen on Fast Food Yummy if you would like to hear it. Thank you.

Also on Fast Food Yummy, here is what I wrote about this song on Saturday, September 3, 2011:
I can't really explain how I decided to write the song, released here last time. It's not about any specific relationship and there's not much more I can think of at the moment to describe the song.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Nonexistent Reality "Be Really Strange" (hate drugs, love people)

At first I wanted to call this song "love people" (which serves as another song title) but then before I released it here, I changed the name of the song to "Be Really Strange" (hate drugs, love people)

I forgot to change it in the description below the video/song.  Sorry.

"Be Really Strange" (hate drugs, love people) does a better job of describing what I think because instead of telling people to say no to drugs (each person should make up their own mind), I'm telling people be strange without drugs.

The full song title and artist is:

Nonexistent Reality "Be Really Strange" (hate drugs, love people)
song by Scott McLean

It's an original song.  Scott McLean is the singer, songwriter/song creator
All of my songs are original songs: the songs are mine, I created these songs.

I am Nonexistent Reality as an artist who makes songs. I also go by the name Scott McLean because that's my real name.  The reason for Nonexistent Reality part 2 is that I created a large-file song that was hard to upload and I still haven't been able to get it to upload.  I will keep trying to put that song on here.

But for now, you're welcome to be really strange and sing along with my song "Be Really Strange" (hate drugs, love people).   

Nonexistent Reality "Be Really Strange" (hate drugs, love people)

Nonexistent Reality - "love people"
song by Scott McLean